EcoAction Partners helps to provide funding to businesses, organizations and schools in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 100,000 pounds of carbon per year. The Green Projects Grant program funds energy efficiency and renewable energy projects as well as other innovative means. 


How it works 

The Green Projects Grant program utilizes funding from a one-time San Miguel County energy impact fee. The program solicits “incentive grants” that:

  • Measurably reduce greenhouse gasses
  • Prioritize energy efficiency
  • Leverage other funding sources

Locations Available 

This program was initiated through a partnership with San Miguel County to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions and promote sustainability in the region. 


Program Results 

Completed Green Projects include 9 public projects and 2 private projects, one of which was the removal of a coal burning furnace. This program has reduced well over 465,000+ lbs. of carbon annually for the life of the projects (10-25+ years). 1 public project and 1 private project will be completed in 2017.
